People adding heart shaped tokens to a giant Gift Aid box. Written on each token is +25%

Automate Gift Aid for your users with a simple integration

Join donors, charities and donation platforms on the Gift Aid network and help more money reach charities every year.

View our developer docs

Join our growing number of partners using Swiftaid.

Over Β£1.5 million in Gift Aid is missed every day!

Together we can save donors from manually adding Gift Aid every time they donate, speeding up the donation process whilst ensuring Gift Aid isn’t missed.

Swiftaid is working closely with HMRC and the charity industry to automate Gift Aid on all types of donations, from online and text giving, to contactless and retail. Solutions are continually evolving to allow Gift Aid to be added to even the most obscure donation methods whilst remaining compliant with HMRC and GDPR requirements.

In order to fully automate Gift Aid, Swiftaid works with all members of the charity industry including charities, terminal providers, app developers, fundraising platforms, banks, and more.

Get Involved
An illustration of the UK and a network of hearts
A network of hearts, central to the network is Gift Aid

Unlock the power of the Gift Aid network

It’s now possible to collect Gift Aid without asking donors for a declaration by plugging the Gift Aid network into your donation flow.

How it works

As a donor intermediary, Swiftaid is authorised to create Gift Aid declarations on behalf of a growing number of UK taxpayers. Donations made on your platform are matched with these donors in real-time and Gift Aid is added automatically. New donors simply add Gift Aid once to join the network. Simple!

Swiftaid can handle the entire process:

βœ… Matches a donor to their donation
βœ… Creates a Gift Aid declaration
βœ… Sends a claim to HMRC
βœ… Keeps a record of all declarations and claims
βœ… GDPR requirements and HMRC auditing

An open laptop. On the screen is our Swiftaid Charity Dashboard

Simple for charities

Swiftaid helps charities boost donations collected through platforms linked to the network whilst saving them precious time. Swiftaid takes care of the entire Gift Aid process, removing burdens of admin and compliance.

  • ☝️
    Simple one-time online registration
  • πŸ’Œ
    Automated Gift Aid through donation flows using Swiftaid
  • πŸ“„
    No extra Gift Aid admin to worry about
  • πŸ”’
    GDPR friendly
Learn more

Effortless for donors

It only takes a few minutes for a UK taxpayer to sign up and they only need to do this once. This can be done via or when making a donation through any flow integrated with Swiftaid.

Once registered, all qualifying donations they make through any integrated flow will include Gift Aid.

  • ☝️
    Seamless one-time sign up across all integrators
  • 🏎
    Faster donation checkouts with fewer forms
  • πŸ’Έ
    More Gift Aid to charity with less effort
  • πŸ“„
    Handy end of year statements for personal tax returns
Learn more
Photograph of a woman smiling while reading her mobile phone
A person walks towrards a contactless donation box. They make a donation using their phone

Contactless terminal providers

Work with us to enable Gift Aid on contactless donations.

Get in touch
Swiftaid mascot, Swifty, enabling an online donation provider to process Gift Aid

Online donation platforms

Learn how Swiftaid works for online donation platforms.

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Moment Pin Logo

"The API documentation was clear, concise and it definitely supported an easy integration into the Swiftaid platform."

Nabeel Shaikh CEO & Founder of Momentpin

Frequently asked questions

  • Integrators are charged a small fee to gain complete Gift Aid automation. This fee helps Swiftaid continue to raise more money for charities whilst removing the burden of Gift Aid processing from donors, integrators and charities. Swiftaid continuously pushes the boundaries of innovation and is dedicated to making solutions that improve life for everyone.

  • Terminal providers, app developers, fundraising platforms, banks, CRM platforms, SMS giving solutions, charities, other Gift Aid services and many more can all participate in the Gift Aid network and help make more of a difference. Swiftaid was created to work with every provider, every UK charity or CASC registered with HMRC, every UK tax-paying donor and HMRC, to automate Gift Aid across the entire industry.

  • Click here to answer a few questions about your organisation. Your answers will inform your next steps and tell us how we can best work together at this time.

  • Swiftaid is an all-in-one automated Gift Aid service that enables you to offer a fully automated Gift Aid experience to charities and donors using your platform or service. More than that, integrating with Swiftaid connects you to the automated Gift Aid network of donors, charities and other providers, giving you the most powerful Gift Aid solution within your donation flow.

    With Swiftaid, you keep up with innovation, speed up your donation flow for users and help charities receive more Gift Aid without any extra admin. All this while staying within current Gift Aid policy without the burden of GDPR compliance and record-keeping.

Get in touch

Interested in adding Swiftaid to your donation flow? Answer a few short questions and we'll get in touch with you!