[{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"Yes, as long as you make contactless donations using a card that’s linked to Swiftaid, Gift Aid will be added.\nYou can add multiple payment cards to your Swiftaid account.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/can-i-gift-aid-my-contactless-donations-with-swiftaid/","tags":["Contactless","Card","Terminal"],"title":"Can I add Gift Aid to my contactless donations?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid only processes Gift Aid donations; however, the solution works alongside GASDS.\nAll donations that have had Gift Aid added to them appear in the charity’s Swiftaid dashboard. These can be excluded from any GASDS claims.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/can-i-use-gasds-alongside-swiftaid-to-collect-gift-aid/","tags":["GASDS","Small donations","Scheme","Claims","HMRC"],"title":"Can I use the Gift Aid small donations scheme (GASDS) alongside Swiftaid to collect Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"If you don\u0026rsquo;t receive the email within a few minutes, please check your Spam/Junk folder.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-managing-your-account/i-cant-find-my-login-email/","tags":["Email","Can’t find","Login","Sign up","Register","Problem","Account"],"title":"I can't find my login email"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"If you have trouble with the link supplied when logging in or signing up with Swiftaid, please try the following.\nMake sure you are clicking the link from your latest email\nThere is a possibility you are clicking on an out of date email as any new login messages automatically invalidate previous ones.\nTry logging in with a code instead.\nClick the link at the bottom of the login page to sign in with a code instead.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-managing-a-charitys-account/im-having-trouble-signing-in-up-with-my-email/","tags":["Log in","Sign up","Email","Trouble","Link","Code","Logging"],"title":"I'm having trouble signing up/in with my email"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":" On the 21st November 2020, we turned off functionality for contactless Gift Aid to make way for a better solution. Due to COVID-19, this update has taken much longer than we first anticipated, meaning an extended period where GoodBox terminals cannot process Gift Aid using Swiftaid. GoodBox has informed us that all required changes are unlikely to occur until Q4 (October – December) this year. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and will inform all registered charities when we are back up and running with this new solution. Thank you so much for your support and patience while we work with the industry to create the perfect solution for contactless.\nIf you have any questions regarding contactless Gift Aid, please get in touch by emailing us at info@swiftaid.co.uk.\nLearn more about what Swiftaid is working on with the charity industry with the Future of Gift Aid project.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-contactless-gift-aid/swiftaid-and-goodbox-solution-for-uk-charities/","tags":["Goodbox","Contactless","Service","Delay","Retrospective"],"title":"Swiftaid and GoodBox solution for UK charities"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":" Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to benefit charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). If you’re a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases the value of your charity donations by 25% because the charity can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift – at no extra cost to you.\nFind out more about the charity tax relief here: gov.uk/donating-to-charity Find out if you qualify to add Gift Aid to your donations here: swiftaid.co.uk/check ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/what-is-gift-aid/","tags":["Gift Aid","How it works","Tax relief"],"title":"What is Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["integrator"],"contents":"Integrators are charged a small fee to gain complete Gift Aid automation. This fee helps Swiftaid continue to raise more money for charities whilst removing the burden of Gift Aid processing from donors, integrators and charities. Swiftaid continuously pushes the boundaries of innovation and is dedicated to making solutions that improve life for everyone.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/integrator/questions-about-swiftaid/who-does-swiftaid-charge-and-why/","tags":["Charging","Pricing","Fees"],"title":"Who does Swiftaid charge and why?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"To work out if you’ve paid enough tax to cover your donations, divide the donation value by four.\nFor example, if you give £100 in a particular tax year, you will need to have paid £25 tax over that period. (£100/4 = £25). (Note that this calculation is based on the basic rate tax of 20 per cent).\nIf you don’t think you’ve paid enough tax this year, you may be able to carry back your donation to the previous tax year.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/how-do-i-check-ive-paid-enough-tax/","tags":["Taxpayer","UK","Eligibility","Rules","HMRC"],"title":"How do I check if I've paid enough tax?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Charities must be registered with HMRC before using the Swiftaid service.\nAny authorised official or responsible person can register online with Swiftaid on behalf of their organisation using the following information:\nThe official name of charity as known by HMRC HMRC charity reference Applicable charity commission and number This information is used to let HMRC know they will be receiving Gift Aid claims from Swiftaid on behalf of the charity.\nCharities can either work directly with Swiftaid or add their donation service provider as a donation source within their Swiftaid account. This will allow Swiftaid to:\nUniquely identify eligible donations through that donation source Know precisely how much Gift Aid to claim Ensure that Gift Aid/GASDS tax relief isn’t claimed more than once on each donation Once registration is complete, and all information is verified, Swiftaid can begin processing Gift Aid declarations and submitting claims to HMRC on the charity’s behalf. There is no additional admin for charities. Swiftaid handles the entire Gift Aid process and HMRC pays the charity directly.\nWish to integrate Swiftaid directly into your charity website donation flow? See Swiftaid for developers.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-work/","tags":["Registration","Authorised official","HMRC","How it works"],"title":"How does Swiftaid work?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"If you have trouble with the link or code supplied when logging in or signing up with Swiftaid, please try the following.\nMake sure you are copying the code or clicking the link from your latest email.\nThere is a possibility you are clicking on an out of date email as any new login messages automatically invalidate previous ones.\nMake sure you keep the Swiftaid web page open that asks you to type the login code we email you.\nThis means opening the email containing your login code in a separate tab or app to the one displaying the Swiftaid login page. This is so you can copy the code and return to the Swiftaid login screen and continue the login process.\nIf this still doesn\u0026rsquo;t work for you, please let us know by sending an email to support@swiftaid.co.uk.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-managing-your-account/im-having-trouble-logging-in-with-my-email/","tags":["Log in","Sign up","Email","Trouble","Link","Code","Logging"],"title":"I’m having trouble logging in with my email."},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"Yes, as long as you make contactless donations using a card in your digital wallet that’s linked to Swiftaid, Gift Aid will be added.\nYou can add multiple payment cards to your Swiftaid account.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/will-swiftaid-work-on-contactless-donations-i-make-using-my-mobile-phone/","tags":["Contactless","Apple Pay","Android Pay","Mobile phone","Card"],"title":"Will Swiftaid work on contactless donations I make using my mobile phone?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"You are a UK income taxpayer if any of the following are true:\nTax is taken from your wages or pension before you receive them. You fill in a self-assessment tax return for HMRC. You have any taxable savings (e.g. in a building society), a pension plan, or investment income. You may also have paid capital gains tax on the sale of property or shares, for example. Inheritance Tax does not count as income or capital gains tax.\nLearn more about Gift Aid from HMRC ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/how-do-i-know-if-im-a-uk-taxpayer/","tags":["Taxpayer","UK","Eligibility","Rules","Status","Pension","Self-assessment","HMRC"],"title":"How do I know if I'm a UK taxpayer?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"Swiftaid was established with initial funding from an Innovate UK grant and equity investment. The pricing model for Swiftaid\u0026rsquo;s partners, which include donation platforms, charities, and integrators, is based on the value of Gift Aid processed:\nFor each live donation where Swiftaid creates a Gift Aid declaration, partners are charged a fee of 5% plus VAT of the Gift Aid value. For donations matched retrospectively through the Gift Aid Finder service, the fee is 10% plus VAT of the Gift Aid value. Donors themselves are not subject to any fees when using Swiftaid. Donors themselves are not subject to any fees when using Swiftaid.\nYou can learn more about our pricing for charities and donation platforms by visiting our pricing page here.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/how-is-swiftaid-funded/","tags":["Fees","Funding"],"title":"How is Swiftaid funded?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Donors only need to sign up once and reauthorise once a year to automate Gift Aid declarations on all donations made through any supported platforms.\nSwiftaid supports a network of donors and charities and platforms. If a donor joins the network through another charity or platform; Gift Aid will automatically be added to any donations made to your charity.\nEach tax year, donors are asked to ensure their details are up to date and reauthorise Swiftaid to create declarations on their behalf. Donors can simply reauthorise Swiftaid when donating through any supported platform or within their Swiftaid account.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/will-donors-need-to-sign-up-to-swiftaid-more-than-once-for-different-donations/","tags":["Donors","Onboarding","Sign up","Network"],"title":"Will donors need to sign up to Swiftaid more than once for different donations?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Donors authorise Swiftaid to create declarations on their behalf for an entire tax year when they register with Swiftaid through any supported donation platform.\nOnce a donor is registered, there is no need for them to fill in additional Gift Aid forms as the entire Gift Aid process is taken care of by Swiftaid.\nCharities can ask Swiftaid for a declaration to match a donation rather than the donor.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/do-we-need-to-ask-our-donors-to-fill-in-gift-aid-forms/","tags":["Gift Aid form","Declaration","Forms"],"title":"Do we need to ask our donors to fill in Gift Aid forms?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"You can\u0026rsquo;t claim Gift Aid on the following donations:\nA donation in return for tickets (raffles, events and auctions) or goods and services. This is because they are not ‘freewill’ gifts – you are getting something in return for your donation. Donations that you make on behalf of someone else or a group of people. E.g. If a friend gives you £10 and you donate that £10 to your Fundraising Page using your bank card and details. Even if your friend is a UK taxpayer, the donation is not eligible because HMRC needs to know the person’s details contributing the funds. You are donating on behalf of a company. You can only make Gift Aid declarations on your taxpayer status when spending your own money. Donating to a family member taking part in an event where their chosen charity is contributing to the cost. E.g. If you’re donating to a close family member who is doing an overseas trek and the charity is paying for the cost of their trip. ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/donations-that-are-not-eligible-for-gift-aid/","tags":["Taxpayer","UK","Eligibility","Rules","Status","HMRC"],"title":"Donations that are not eligible for Gift Aid"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"Contactless donations are anonymous with no option to tick a box to add Gift Aid, so how does it work?\nSwiftaid uses different donor identifiers to match donors to donations. For example with contactless, the identifier we use is a reference that is linked to your payment card. This reference appears within the card transaction and is unique to your payment card. So when you tap on a contactless terminal, the terminal provider will check with Swiftaid to see if this identifier is registered with Swiftaid. If a match is successful, Swiftaid will create a Gift Aid declaration and Gift Aid will be claimed.\nThis reference is called a ‘Payment Account Reference’ which is non-sensitive payment data and can not be used to make or take payments.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-add-gift-aid-to-my-contactless-donations/","tags":["Declarations","How does it work","Intermediary","Identifiers","Contactless"],"title":"How does Swiftaid add Gift Aid to my contactless donations?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"When you sign up to Swiftaid, you authorise Swiftaid to create and give Gift Aid declarations for donations you make for that tax year (6th of April through to 5th of April the following year).\nActing as a Gift Aid donor intermediary, Swiftaid creates a declaration every time you make a qualifying donation through any platform or hardware linked to Swiftaid. This saves you from having to fill in a form every time you donate and removes the burden of admin from the charity.\nSwiftaid creates these declarations using the information you link to Swiftaid, such as your name, address and email.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-create-a-declaration-on-my-behalf/","tags":["Declarations","How does it work","Intermediary","Identifiers"],"title":"How does Swiftaid create a declaration on my behalf?"},{"categories":["integrator"],"contents":"Terminal providers, app developers, fundraising platforms, banks, CRM platforms, SMS giving solutions, charities, other Gift Aid services and many more can all participate in the Gift Aid network and help make more of a difference. Swiftaid was created to work with every provider, every UK charity or CASC registered with HMRC, every UK tax-paying donor and HMRC, to automate Gift Aid across the entire industry.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/integrator/questions-about-swiftaid/who-can-work-with-swiftaid/","tags":["Swiftaid","How does it work"],"title":"Who can work with Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"By default, donors using Swiftaid remain anonymous to charities. Personal information provided to Swiftaid is solely used to generate Gift Aid declarations and submit claims to HMRC.\nIn the future, Swiftaid may introduce tools to help charities connect with their donors in ways that respect privacy.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/can-charities-contact-their-donors-through-swiftaid/","tags":["Marketing","Contact","Donors","Messaging","Privacy"],"title":"Can charities contact their donors through Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"Yes, it is possible to use tax in a previous tax year to cover Gift Aid\nFor example:\nIf you donated in 2019/20 but didn\u0026rsquo;t pay enough tax that year to cover Gift Aid, you can ask HMRC for the tax you paid in 2018/19 to cover it. You would usually need to do this after the end of the tax year in which you made the donations (so the total amount required is known).\nYou can do this by sending a simple email/letter to HMRC with the following:\nOf the donations I made in the last tax year, I would like \u0026ldquo;x\u0026rdquo; pounds to be applied to the previous tax year.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/is-it-possible-to-use-tax-in-a-previous-tax-year-to-cover-gift-aid/","tags":["Taxpayer","UK","Eligibility","Rules","Tax","HMRC"],"title":"Is it possible to use tax in a previous tax year to cover Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"If your tax status changes and you are no longer paying enough tax to cover the amount of Gift Aid you declare for the tax year, you will need to freeze your Swiftaid authorisation to create declarations on your behalf.\nYou can freeze your Swiftaid account here.\nYou can unfreeze Swiftaid at any time using the same link above or by simply ticking the box to add Gift Aid through any donation platform that uses Swiftaid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-no-longer-a-uk-taxpayer/","tags":["UK taxpayer","Tax status","Change","Tax","Cancel","Authorisation","Reactivate","Deactivate","stop"],"title":"What should I do if I am no longer a UK taxpayer?"},{"categories":["integrator"],"contents":"Click here to answer a few questions about your organisation. Your answers will inform your next steps and tell us how we can best work together at this time.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/integrator/questions-about-swiftaid/whats-the-quickest-way-to-get-started/","tags":["Getting started","Swiftaid","Onboarding","Sign up"],"title":"What’s the quickest way to get started?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"If you pay a higher-rate tax, you can claim the difference between the higher-rate tax (40% or 50%) and the basic-rate tax (20%) on your donation\u0026rsquo;s total \u0026lsquo;gross\u0026rsquo; value.\nIf you pay Income Tax at a higher or additional rate and want to claim the additional tax relief due. In that case, you must include all Gift Aid donations from your Swiftaid end of year statement on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.\nLearn more about Higher Rate Relief here\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-gift-aid/how-does-gift-aid-work-for-higher-rate-taxpayers/","tags":["Higher rate","Taxpayer","UK","Rules","Tax","HMRC"],"title":"How does Gift Aid work for higher rate taxpayers?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid was established with initial funding from an Innovate UK grant and equity investment. The pricing model for Swiftaid\u0026rsquo;s partners, which include donation platforms, charities, and integrators, is based on the value of Gift Aid processed:\nFor each live donation where Swiftaid creates a Gift Aid declaration, partners are charged a fee of 5% plus VAT of the Gift Aid value. For donations matched retrospectively through the Gift Aid Finder service, the fee is 10% plus VAT of the Gift Aid value. Donors themselves are not subject to any fees when using Swiftaid. Donors themselves are not subject to any fees when using Swiftaid.\nYou can learn more about our pricing for charities and donation platforms by visiting our pricing page here.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-is-swiftaid-funded/","tags":["Fees","Funding"],"title":"How is Swiftaid funded?"},{"categories":["integrator"],"contents":"Swiftaid is an all-in-one automated Gift Aid service that enables you to offer a fully automated Gift Aid experience to charities and donors using your platform or service. More than that, integrating with Swiftaid connects you to the automated Gift Aid network of donors, charities and other providers, giving you the most powerful Gift Aid solution within your donation flow.\nWith Swiftaid, you keep up with innovation, speed up your donation flow for users and help charities receive more Gift Aid without any extra admin. All this while staying within current Gift Aid policy without the burden of GDPR compliance and record-keeping.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/integrator/questions-about-swiftaid/what-are-the-benefits-of-using-swiftaid/","tags":["Benefits","Swiftaid","Rules","Tax","HMRC"],"title":"What are the benefits of using Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"The details associated with a Gift Aid declaration include your name and address. This is shared with HMRC so they can process Gift Aid and send funds to charities. In most cases Swiftaid submits Gift Aid declarations directly to HMRC but declarations can also be submitted by the donation platform you choose to donate with or by the charity you donate to.\nGift Aid declarations are only shared for the process of claiming Gift Aid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/will-my-details-and-declarations-be-shared-with-charities/","tags":["Data","Privacy","Declarations","Sharing","Details","HMRC","Security","Personal data"],"title":"Will my details and declarations be shared with charities?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"The Future of Gift Aid is an industry-wide project focused on increasing the amount of Gift Aid reaching charities every year. Learn more here\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/what-is-the-future-of-gift-aid/","tags":["Swiftaid","Future","Industry"],"title":"What is the Future of Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"No, data is only shared for the process of claiming Gift Aid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/will-my-data-be-shared-with-anyone-for-any-purpose-other-than-gift-aid/","tags":["Data","Privacy","Sharing","Details","HMRC","Security","Personal data"],"title":"Will my data be shared with anyone for any purpose other than Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"HMRC haven\u0026rsquo;t raised any concerns around Swiftaid and the way it operates.\nSwiftaid works closely with HMRC when creating solutions and always gets sign off and approval before any new functionality or solution is released.\nFind Swiftaid listed here on gov.uk .\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/has-hmrc-raised-any-concerns-about-the-way-swiftaid-operates/","tags":["HMRC","Security","Personal data"],"title":"Has HMRC raised any concerns about the way Swiftaid operates?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"No, data is only ever shared for the purpose of claiming Gift Aid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/is-donation-data-shared-with-anyone-for-any-purpose-other-than-gift-aid/","tags":["Privacy","Data","Sharing"],"title":"Is donation data shared with anyone for any purpose other than Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid doesn\u0026rsquo;t require charities to fill in a typical CHV1 form when registering; instead, Swiftaid has worked with HMRC to make things a little easier.\nAll a charity needs to do is register at charity.swiftaid.co.uk to get the ball rolling.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-do-i-fill-in-a-chv1-form-with-swiftaid/","tags":["Registration","CHV1","Sign up"],"title":"How do I fill in a CHV1 form with Swiftaid? "},{"categories":["donor"],"contents":"The Future of Gift Aid is an industry-wide project focused on increasing the amount of Gift Aid reaching charities every year. Learn more here\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/donor/questions-about-swiftaid/what-is-the-future-of-gift-aid/","tags":["Swiftaid","Future","Industry"],"title":"What is the Future of Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"One of Swiftaid’s core values as a company is to respect the privacy and confidentiality of everyone.\nDonors authorise Swiftaid as a donor intermediary and their data is only ever used to process Gift Aid. Swiftaid doesn’t share Gift Aid declarations with charities but instead acts as a nominee on their behalf to submit claims directly to HMRC (or provide it to other intermediaries to solely use for the purpose of processing Gift Aid).\nRemoving the need to share the data with charities keeps them outside GDPR requirements allowing even the smallest charity to benefit from the Gift Aid network.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/are-donors-gift-aid-declarations-shared-with-charities/","tags":["Privacy","Data","Donor","Declarations","Sharing","GDPR"],"title":"Are donor's Gift Aid declarations shared with charities?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid is certified with the highest international standards for information security (ISO27001) and business continuity (ISO22301).\nSwiftaid is listed on HMRC’s registered software providers and is a recognised donor intermediary and charity nominee.\nRead more about Swiftaid’s security.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/can-i-have-confidence-in-the-protection-of-my-data-by-swiftaid-in-accordance-with-gdpr-and-data-protection-regulations/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal","GDPR"],"title":"Can I have confidence in the protection of my data by Swiftaid in accordance with GDPR and data protection regulations?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid generates declarations for individual donations only. These declarations do not cover future donations.\nYou could potentially claim Gift Aid on any further donations they make by including them in another submission with Swiftaid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/can-our-charity-use-declarations-created-by-swiftaid-to-claim-on-other-donations-donors-make-during-the-tax-year/","tags":["Declarations","Claiming","Tax year"],"title":"Can our charity use declarations created by Swiftaid to claim on other donations donors make during the tax year?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Currently, Swiftaid can only process donations collected in the current tax year.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/can-we-search-for-gift-aid-on-donations-from-previous-years/","tags":["Retrospective","Declarations","Tax year"],"title":"Can we search for Gift Aid on donations from previous years?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid submits Gift Aid claims directly to HMRC on your charity’s behalf. Declarations are not sent to your charity.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/does-swiftaid-take-care-of-claiming-gift-aid-from-hmrc/","tags":["Claiming","Declarations","HMRC"],"title":"Does Swiftaid take care of claiming Gift Aid from HMRC?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Full Gift Aid funds reach your charity directly from HMRC.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-are-gift-aid-payments-made-to-charities-using-swiftaid/","tags":["Payments","Invoices","Claims","HMRC"],"title":"How are Gift Aid payments made to charities using Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Your charity will receive a payable invoice via email. Once payment is received, your claim will be filed with HMRC directly from Swiftaid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-are-payments-made-to-swiftaid/","tags":["Payments","Invoices"],"title":"How are payments made to Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Submissions are sent simply via a secure, encrypted form. The forms are served across a protected 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection that uses a SHA256 Certificate. It is the industry standard protection.\nSwiftaid are certified to the top international standard for Information Security (ISO 27001) and Business Continuity (ISO 22301).\nFor additional security, files can be encrypted before uploading.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-does-swiftaid-manage-the-transfer-of-donor-information-and-will-data-transfers-be-encrypted/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal","Sharing","GDPR"],"title":"How does Swiftaid manage the transfer of donor information and will data transfers be encrypted?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid matches donors to donations by using various donor identifiers, such as email addresses or PAR (Payment Account Reference). While a single identifier can be sufficient for matching, incorporating multiple identifiers enhances the likelihood of successfully linking the donation to a donor who is registered with Swiftaid.\nAccepted donor identifiers:\nEmail First name, last name Initial, last name House name/number, postcode Last 4 digits of the card used to make the donation PAR ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-does-swiftaid-match-donations-to-swiftaid-donors/","tags":["Matching","Information","Data","PAR"],"title":"How does Swiftaid match donations to Swiftaid donors?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"After Swiftaid processes your submission, you\u0026rsquo;ll receive a claim submission report highlighting the donations that have been matched and are now associated with a Gift Aid declaration.\nBy referencing the \u0026ldquo;unique donation ID\u0026rdquo; column from your submission, you can easily update your systems. Upon receiving your report, any donations in your original submission that Swiftaid didn\u0026rsquo;t associate with Gift Aid, you have the option to claim Gift Aid elsewhere.\nBelow is an example of a claim submission report you will receive. The report will include all donations that will be claimed and omit any that remain unclaimed.\nUnique donation IDs (highlighted in blue) are the original IDs you included in your submission and enable you to match a donation to one in your system and update your database.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-does-swiftaid-prevent-duplication-of-gift-aid-claims/","tags":["Donations","Double claiming","Declarations","Claims"],"title":"How does Swiftaid prevent duplication of Gift Aid Claims?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Typically, your charity will receive the Gift Aid funds directly from HMRC four weeks after the claim has been submitted.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-long-does-it-take-to-receive-gift-aid-funds-from-hmrc/","tags":["HMRC","Money","Turnaround","Receive"],"title":"How long does it take to receive Gift Aid funds from HMRC?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Completing the spreadsheet is straightforward. By accurately entering your data, you can help accelerate the processing time.\nThe processing time depends on the number of donations you submit to Swiftaid. Swiftaid aims to provide results within 72 hours of submission. However, please note that during the busy period at the end of the tax year, this processing time may be extended.\nThe nominee assignment process with HMRC can take additional time, which may result in delays in any claims.\nProvided that the charity\u0026rsquo;s nominee assignment is complete, claims will be submitted to HMRC 30 days after statements are sent to donors at the end of the tax year. These statements are typically sent by the 31st of May.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-long-does-it-take-to-use-the-gift-aid-finder/","tags":["Finder","Spreadsheet","Time","Claims"],"title":"How long does it take to use The Gift Aid Finder?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid deletes all non-claim-related data (such as donation information we were unable to match for Gift Aid) within 30 days of submitting a claim to HMRC.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-long-will-the-data-provided-be-retained-by-swiftaid-before-deletion/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal","Deletion"],"title":"How long will the data provided be retained by Swiftaid before deletion?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid charges a fee of 10% (+VAT) of the claimed Gift Aid amount. For example, for every £10 claimed in Gift Aid, Swiftaid charges £1 plus VAT. There is a £10 minimum fee for any claim.\nThe fee includes:\n✅ Administration cost\n✅ Claim processing\n✅ Onboarding support\n✅ Donor validation checking\n✅ Donor support\n✅ Record keeping for HMRC\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/how-much-does-it-cost/","tags":["Cost","Pricing","Claims"],"title":"How much does it cost?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"The majority of the data doesn’t leave the UK and no data is transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/is-any-of-the-data-we-supply-to-you-transferred-outside-the-uk-and-eea/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal"],"title":"Is any of the data we supply to you transferred outside the UK and EEA?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"To prevent double claiming Gift Aid on donations, it is recommended that you wait for the results from Swiftaid before claiming any Gift Aid elsewhere on donations included in your submission.\nThe report provided will contain information about matched donations that now have declarations. Upon submission you are able to add a unique reference number to each donation allowing you to update your records and avoid double claiming.\nIf your charity benefits from the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS), it is important to have a clear process to exclude these donations from your submissions to Swiftaid.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/should-my-charity-be-concerned-about-double-claiming-gift-aid/","tags":["Double claiming","Gift Aid","Warranties","Responsibility"],"title":"Should my charity be concerned about double claiming Gift Aid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"No, your charity can only claim Gift Aid on eligible donations collected since registering your charity with HMRC. Learn more on HMRC’s website.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/we-registered-our-charity-with-hmrc-this-year-can-we-claim-gift-aid-on-donations-we-collected-before-we-registered/","tags":["HMRC","Eligible","Donations"],"title":"We registered our charity with HMRC this year, can we claim Gift Aid on donations we collected before we registered?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Your charity must register with Swiftaid before transferring any data. This can be done simply online at charity.swiftaid.co.uk.\nYour charity may also wish to sign the Data Processing Agreement for the data transfer.\nDownload Swiftaid’s DPA (Word document) ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/what-agreements-are-needed-before-data-can-be-transferred/","tags":["Agreements","Data","Security","Processing","DPA"],"title":"What agreements are needed before data can be transferred?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"The optimal time to submit your spreadsheet is the week following the 5th of April. This gives you time to rectify any issues with your submission, that Swiftaid may highlight, with plenty of time to resubmit before the deadline. Issues with submissions are uncommon, but they do happen from time to time.\nSubmissions must be made by midnight on 19th April 2024, but should only include donations made before midnight on 5th April 2024.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/what-are-the-key-dates-for-submissions/","tags":["Claims","Deadline","Tax year"],"title":"What are the key dates for submissions?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid would notify you should a data breach occur and openly work with you should such a situation arise.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/what-is-swiftaids-process-following-a-data-breach/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal"],"title":"What is Swiftaid’s process following a data breach?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid is certified to the top international standard for Information Security (ISO 27001) and Business Continuity (ISO 22301).\nSwiftaid currently self-certify to Cyber Essentials and has Cyber Insurance.\nRead more about Swiftaid’s security.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/what-safeguarding-and-compliance-is-in-place-to-protect-our-data/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal"],"title":"What safeguarding and compliance is in place to protect our data?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"According to HMRC, your charity will receive the Gift Aid funds directly from HMRC typically four weeks after the claim has been submitted.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/when-are-gift-aid-payments-made-to-the-charity/","tags":["Payments","Invoices","Claims","HMRC"],"title":"When are Gift Aid payments made to the charity?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Provided the charity nominee assignment is complete, claims will be submitted to HMRC 30 days after statements are sent to donors at the end of the tax year (statements are typically sent before the 31st of May).\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/when-will-claims-be-submitted-to-hmrc/","tags":["HMRC","Claims","Nominee"],"title":"When will claims be submitted to HMRC?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"You will receive an initial result showing the total Gift Aid identified typically within 7 days of submitting your file. This amount is subject to a possible slight decrease, as donors will be given the opportunity to cancel any declarations they prefer not to include in Gift Aid.\nA detailed claim submission breakdown report will be provided to you. This report will detail all the donations that have been successfully matched and will include a declaration for inclusion in a Gift Aid claim with HMRC.\nYou can expect to receive this report once your submission has been processed, following the donor notification period and the subsequent cool-off period. This is usually around the end of June or the beginning of July.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/when-will-i-receive-my-report/","tags":["Reports","Reporting","Time","Donations"],"title":"When will I receive my report?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"If your charity requires a Data Processing Agreement before submitting any data, you can simply download a version to sign and return to Swiftaid. Download Swiftaid’s DPA (Word document) ","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/where-can-i-find-a-copy-of-swiftaids-data-processing-agreement/","tags":["Security","Data","Legal","Processing","Agreement"],"title":"Where can I find a copy of Swiftaid’s data-processing agreement?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid notifies donors by email when Gift Aid is identified. Donors are provided with an opportunity to cancel the Gift Aid on donations if they so wish.\nSwiftaid operates under \u0026ldquo;Donor Intermediary Legislation\u0026rdquo; and must send an annual statement to donors by 31st May, detailing all Gift Aid added on their behalf over the previous tax year.\nSwiftaid are not required to send a statement to an individual if the total value of donations in that tax year is £20 or less or only one Gift Aided donation is made in the tax year.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/will-donors-be-notified-that-our-charity-is-claiming-on-their-donations/","tags":["Donors","Claims","Notifications","Donations","Statement"],"title":"Will donors be notified that our charity is claiming on their donations?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"The creation of declarations will exclusively utilise the address information provided in the donor\u0026rsquo;s Swiftaid account.\nWe adhere strictly to our privacy policies, which includes not sharing any donor details with charities or any other third parties. This policy is in place to ensure the confidentiality and security of all donor information.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-the-gift-aid-finder/would-you-let-us-know-about-any-donor-details-we-submit-that-are-incorrect/","tags":["Data","Addresses","Donors","Details"],"title":"Would you let us know about any donor details we submit that are incorrect?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid is API based and has been created to work agnostically with any/all platforms including CRM tools.\nSwiftaid is currently integrated into several platforms and many other integrations are underway. See who’s already using Swiftaid in their donation flow here.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-work-with-existing-management-databases-and-customer-relationship-management-tools-used-by-charities/","tags":["CRM","Tools","API","Management","Database","Data","Sharing"],"title":"How does Swiftaid work with existing management databases and Customer Relationship Management tools (CRM) used by charities?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid will only add Gift Aid to donations that the charity has warranted. The charity can inform Swiftaid that it is adding Gift Aid to a donation beforehand to ensure it doesn’t get claimed twice.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-avoid-double-claiming/","tags":["Double claiming","Gift Aid","Warranties","Responsibility"],"title":"How does Swiftaid avoid double-claiming?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Donations to charities from UK taxpayers are covered by Swiftaid, this includes overseas donors that have UK taxable income.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/how-does-swiftaid-work-with-overseas-donations/","tags":["Overseas donations","Taxpayers","Country"],"title":"Does Swiftaid work with overseas donations?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Swiftaid submits claims once a month.\nThe turnaround for Gift Aid funds reaching a charity directly from HMRC is typically 2-4 weeks after the date a claim is submitted.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/what-are-the-timescales-and-turnaround-for-making-a-gift-aid-claim-with-swiftaid/","tags":["Claims","Turnaround","Receive","Money","HMRC"],"title":"What are the timescales and turnaround for making a Gift Aid claim with Swiftaid?"},{"categories":["charity"],"contents":"Following registering your charity with Swiftaid each authorised official at your charity will receive a letter from HMRC (typically within 4 weeks) explaining that Swiftaid is now a nominee. This means that Swiftaid is able to submit Gift Aid claims to HMRC on behalf of your charity, giving your charity a completely automated Gift Aid experience.\nThe letter will look something like this:\nPlease note: One charity can assign multiple agents/nominees to help them process Gift Aid. This means your charity can continue to claim Gift Aid as normal on all other declarations that lie outside of Swiftaid’s system.\nSwiftaid will only process Gift Aid on donations made through sources linked to your account by donors that are also on the system.\n","permalink":"https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/guide/charity/questions-about-swiftaid/we-received-a-nominee-assignment-letter-from-hmrc-what-does-it-mean/","tags":["Nominee","Management","Letter","HMRC"],"title":"We received a nominee assignment letter from HMRC, what does it mean?"}]