
Case Studies / Eden Project

The Eden Project uncovered thousands in missing Gift Aid using Swiftaid

An arial photograph of The Eden Project in Cornwall, UK

Charity Representative

Rose Cashley-Field

Membership & Individual Giving Manager

Charity website

Swiftaid solution

Gift Aid Finder

The Eden Project has been a hallmark of efficient Gift Aid claims, with a traditional approach to donor engagement through face-to-face interactions and phone calls. Yet, with the increase in online bookings, the landscape shifted dramatically. Visitors, eager to finalise their bookings, would often overlook the Gift Aid ask, leading to a loss of potential revenue.

As visitors book their Gift Aid eligible tickets, they can skip through the all-important Gift Aid section in their rush to finish.

Swiftaid’s Solution

Rose Cashley-Field, Membership and Individual Giving Manager at the Eden Project, initially expressed reservations about Swiftaid’s innovative Gift Aid Finder tool, saying:

If I am honest, I thought there must be a catch as the system seemed too good to be true! But we accrued thousands in missing Gift Aid which has been a significant boost for us in challenging times.

Such a revelation highlighted the crucial role Swiftaid could play. Especially considering how the Eden Project relies heavily on donor visits that are predominantly seasonal. With challenges brought about by the Covid pandemic and fluctuations in tourism due to varying travel restrictions, it became vital to capture every possible Gift Aid declaration.

Adapting Communication for a Digital Age

Recognising the changing donor landscape, the Eden Project has taken steps to modify how Gift Aid is presented online. The wordy, chatty approach that worked in person was counterproductive online. It’s been replaced with a concise and streamlined version that still meets all legal mandates.

We’ve adjusted our online language around Gift Aid to be more concise, without sacrificing any essential information.

In a bid to appeal to younger tax-paying donors unfamiliar with Gift Aid, the Eden Project has released an informative Gift Aid video. Moreover, there are ongoing efforts to encourage dynamic communications, allowing another opportunity for donors who might have overlooked the Gift Aid section during their online booking. Further plans to capture verbal Gift Aid declarations on-site are in the pipeline, ensuring that visitors are informed and given a chance to contribute during their visit.


The collaboration between Swiftaid and the Eden Project has shed light on the immense potential of unclaimed Gift Aid in the digital age. By tapping into this overlooked revenue stream and making necessary communication adjustments, the Eden Project looks forward to a brighter future, with every possible pound from Gift Aid adding to their funds. In the words of Rose Cashley-Field:

The results with Swiftaid have been a ray of sunlight for our charity.

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