
About us

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Swiftaid is a solution created by Streeva; a fintech company on a mission to automate everyday processes by making transactions smarter.

At Streeva we are focused on building a range of exciting and valuable services that automate payment related tasks. Our purpose is to create a future where everyone has more time, is in full control of their data, and no one is left behind.

We are a fully remote ISO27001 certified fintech company behind the Swiftaid Gift Aid automation platform; Swiftaid is already helping charities to find the £564 million in unclaimed Gift Aid that would otherwise be lost. We are also embarking on a large proof of concept project for HMRC around tax automation.

David and Beth Michael, are both siblings and the co-founders of Streeva. With David’s aptitude for solving problems with technology, and Beth’s keen determination and energy, their collaborative effort has seen them winning awards and forging strong relationships within the fintech and charity industries. The team has since grown into a blend of personalities and talents, all working towards a future where payments do more good for people, starting with tax relief for charities.

Meet the team

A small team on a big mission

Amy Michael
Amy Michael

Product Manager

"The opportunity to help not just one, but potentially, all of the charities in the UK is so exciting. It's amazing to be a part of something so massive at such an early stage. I can't wait to see all the good that Swiftaid achieves as it continues to grow."

Beth Michael
Beth Michael

COO and Co-founder

"I feel really excited that we are able to use new technologies to benefit those who need it most. I am extremely lucky to be part of a passionate, enthusiastic team on a joint mission to help the whole charity sector; even the smallest of charities."

Carl Hartshorn
Carl Hartshorn


"With such a huge sum of Gift Aid going unclaimed each year, I’m thrilled to be part of the innovative team helping charities access their share. It’s super exciting to be building tech that makes a real positive impact."

Chris Chorley
Chris Chorley

Head of Engineering

"I'm excited to be using the latest technologies to unlock tax benefits for even the smallest of good causes."

Dan Boff
Dan Boff

Head of partnerships

"Having worked at Comic Relief and seen the positive impact Swiftaid can have on a charity, it’s amazing to now be part of the dedicated team that are so committed to making it an even bigger success."

David Michael
David Michael

CEO and Co-Founder

"I want to do something that makes a difference to everyone in a positive way. Get rid of the burdens in life, paperwork; get rid of the chores."

Giles Jermy
Giles Jermy


"I'm excited about being part of a small team that together, using technology and engagement, can really make a significant difference to what charities can do with the donations they receive."

Kirsty Canning
Kirsty Canning

Operations Manager

"It's more than a job; bridging an unclaimed Gift Aid gap of £564m is an incredible mission. Being surrounded by great people, and making a meaningful impact is the stuff of dreams — and it's only the beginning!"

Michael Watts
Michael Watts


"I'm excited to be working on something at the cutting edge of technology. Contributing to something that helps people; that gives something back, that isn't just a marketing exercise for businesses."

Sam Michael
Sam Michael


"Gift Aid is over 30 years old and still has some growing up to do. I’m excited to be part of the team making sure it grows up as quickly as possible. £564 million missed every year?!? Come on people!!!"

Board of advisors

Phil Smith CBE
Phil Smith CBE

Non-Executive Chairperson of the board

"I couldn’t be more delighted to be part of the Streeva team. In these extremely challenging times, we all know charities really need to work and to maximise their fundraising and Swiftaid has the potential to make a huge difference."

Richard Boulton KC
Richard Boulton KC

Investor Director

"It's great to witness the power of technology to help both donors and the charities to which they want to give."

Sharon Maguire
Sharon Maguire

Non-Exec Director

"I am delighted to be on this exciting journey with such a passionate team! By bringing the latest technologies to the forefront we can significantly boost charitable giving across the entire sector. With more than £564m pounds left on the table every year the opportunity to have real impact on those that need it most is huge!"